The Ellagic Insurance Formula.
Clinical tests conducted at the Hollings Cancer Institute show that ellagic acid, a naturally occurring plant phenol may be the most potent way to prevent
Business opportunity.
The Ellagic Insurance Formula.
Clinical tests conducted at the Hollings Cancer Institute show that ellagic acid, a naturally occurring plant phenol may be the most potent way to prevent cancer
Ellagic Insurance Formula, It's Easier to Prevent Cancer Than Fight It!
ellagic acid ellagic cancer health discoveries tumor cancer institute prevent cancer
Business Opportunity
Clinical tests conducted at the Hollings Cancer Institute show that ellagic acid, a naturally occurring plant phenol may be the most potent way to prevent cancer
Ellagic Insurance Formula, It's Easier to Prevent Cancer Than Fight It!
Business opportunity.
The Ellagic Insurance Formula.
ellagic acid ellagic cancer health discoveries tumor cancer institute prevent cancer
Clinical tests conducted at the Hollings Cancer Institute show that ellagic acid, a naturally occurring plant phenol may be the most potent way to prevent cancer
Ellagic Insurance Formula, It's Easier to Prevent Cancer Than Fight It!
ellagic acid ellagic cancer health discoveries tumor cancer institute prevent cancer
For several years now, there has been not
only a tremendous amount of clinical research on the category of substances known as
"Super Anti-Oxidants", more commonly known as OPC, Pycnogenol, and so on,
but the research has uniformly shown the incredible benefits of these substances and their
application in many areas of human nutrition and health. These substances have been shown
to have beneficial effects on human cardio-vascular challenges, on the health and
youthfulness of exterior skin, and on the body's ability to fight off certain types of
diseases. While not a "cure" for anything, these substances have allowed many
people around the world to experience and enjoy vastly better health.
One of the newest areas of research, and one that is just now beginning to become known to
the medical research community, let alone the public, is in the area of substances known
as Ellagitannins, or sometimes the subsequent component, Ellagic Acid. These compounds
have been shown in certain laboratory tests to have very significant effects on cancer
cell replication, as well as causing the destruction of many different types of cancer
cells. While the tests currently don't prove that these substances have any effect on
cancer in humans, it is not totally unreasonable to assume that there could well be a
protective, if not beneficial active effect, in persons who are challenged by certain
types of diseases.
It is obviously far too early to conclude or even think that these substances are or could
be a cure for any disease, but their potential for protective benefit is certainly great
and should not be discounted simply because it is early in the investigative process.
Since there are no known side effects or contrary indication to the consumption of food
supplements containing these natural nutritional substances in the quantities contained in
our product, there is simply no sensible reason to not use this formula for its' potential
benefit. Consuming foods that contain the same or similar amounts could and would be
equally as beneficial as consuming our product, however, obtaining the adequate amounts of
safe and fully potent whole foods to obtain the same or similar amounts of the active
nutrients would be difficult at best and could lead to much higher than appropriate
amounts of other substances (such as saturated fats as one possible example) that are NOT
beneficial in our diets.
Business opportunity.
The Ellagic Insurance Formula.
Business opportunity.The Ellagic Insurance Formula.